Tecla CA-38-C



When young Jason heard the stair creak outside his bedroom door, he froze in panic. His muscles became stone, daring not the slightest move. Under the warm bed covers, the thud of his pulse magnified itself in his ears. He tried not to breathe.

Yet, in all his fright, Jason savored the sensual caress of the soft satin nightgown that enveloped his body and the snug press of the panties against his private parts. For a moment, he was distracted from his fear and the sound from the stairway ceased to exist. Then, it returned. Another creak.

Suddnely, he was back in the present. His sister, Edith must have returned early from her evening with her girl friends. Or, could time have passed him by so rapidly that it was much later than he imagined? He could not recall. There was a flash of disappointment that this solitude was over and he abruptly returned to the reality of his life in this pleasant house with Edith.

She was almost ten years older than he and, to all intents and purposes was his practical parent, his real mother having died when Jason was very young. Their father led the itinerant life of an airplane pilot and settled them in this home in a middle-class neighborhood in the hope of retaining a sense of normalcy in their lives. But the nature of his work required that he be away much of the time. Three days a week, a maid handled the household chores and prepared many of the meals. For the most part however, Jason's growing up was supervised by Edith with only occasional participation by his dad.